Oracle journal total 有Bug
User 遇到的問題就是當line 刪除之後,底下的total 並不會重新計算

1. 直接去posted journal
2. 修改rate (不過這個通常存檔後就反灰不能改了)
3. upgrade form version

我是使用方法1 直接做post ,金額就正常囉

GLXJEENT: Journal Header Totals Do Not Correspond to Sum Of Lines [ID 121014.1]
Modified 22-MAY-2009 Type PROBLEM Status PUBLISHED

Problem Description
When you enter journal lines, there is a difference between the total credit/
debit amount in the journal header and the sum of credit/debit amount in the
lines. This problems occurs randomly. You have not identified special conditions
when this happens.

This problem occurs for some Journal defined in:

Form Name: Enter Journals
Menu: Journals -> Enter

Useful Queries:

Using this SQL queries, you can verify that the Journal is balanced for debit/
credit amounts in its lines, but this total is not the same stored in the

1. Obtain the value for header_id in Journal Entry form,
(N) Journals -> Entry.
Define criteria to find the Journal.
Press Bottom Find.
In the Journal Header, (N) Help --> Tools --> Examine.
If a password is required, ask your System Administrator for the
Oracle Password for APPS user
Find the value for JE_HEADER_ID in HEADER block.
2. Totals Query.
col t_cr format 999,999,999,999.99
col t_dr format 999,999,999,999.99
col t_acr format 999,999,999,999.99
col t_adr format 999,999,999,999.99

SELECT running_total_cr t_cr
, running_total_dr t_dr
, running_total_accounted_cr t_acr
, running_total_accounted t_adr
FROM gl_je_headers
WHERE je_header_id = &je_header_id;
3. Lines Query.
col s_cr format 999,999,999,999.99
col s_dr format 999,999,999,999.99
col s_acr format 999,999,999,999.99
col s_adr format 999,999,999,999.99

SELECT SUM (NVL(entered_cr,0)) s_CR
, SUM(NVL(entered_dr,0)) s_DR
, SUM(NVL(accounted_cr,0)) s_acr
, SUM(NVL(accounted_dr,0)) s_adr
FROM gl_je_lines
WHERE je_header_id = &je_header_id;

Solution Description

There is a workaround and a definitive solution.


Force the recalculation of the running totals. Two options:

1. Turn suspense on and post; the totals will be recalculated.
This option is delicate if another Journal is posted and you do not
want to post using suspense account.
2. In the Enter Journals form, change the conversion rate (and
the currency and conversion type if necessary) of the journal.
Commit this change,then change it back.


1. Apply the latest patch and its interoperability
patch of Oracle Developer 2000. The patch depends on the platform.
Call Oracle Support Services for assistance or check Metalink on
Certify & Availability

2. In release 11i, the Enter Journals form was not calculating batch
level running totals correctly when a certain sequence of keystrokes
was executed. In this case apply patch 5034235.

1. This is BUG 935708 of Oracle Forms. It is fixed in version
In 11i upgrade to forms version and jinitiator version
Some platforms and patchset for Developer 2000 requires interoperability
patches for Oracle Applications.

2. This is General Ledger Bug 5034235.


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